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Zinc and immunity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

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Zinc and immunity - Research Paper Exampleiciency also manipulates development of the acquired immunity by averting the outgrowth along with some functions of T lymphocytes like production Th1 cytokine, activation and B lymphocyte aid.2 Similarly, development of B-lymphocyte and production of antibody, mainly immunoglobulin G, is tampered.The macrophage, which is an essential cell in most immunologic roles, is negatively affected by the zinc deficiency. It can deregulate cytokine production, intracellular killing, and phagocytosis. The impact of zinc on the main immunologic mediators is based in the myriad duties for zinc in essential cellular duties like RNA transcription, DNA replication, cell division, as well as cell activation. Zinc deficiency potentiates Apoptosis. Zinc as well acts as an antioxidant and is able to alleviate membranes.1-2In people suffering from trivial zinc deficiency, the clinical signs are impaired smell and taste, depressed immunity, impairment of memory, onset of night blindness and reduced spermatogenesis in males.